5 Things You Might Not Know About Borderline Personality Disorder

5 Things You Might Not Know About Borderline Personality Disorder

Did you know that May is Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month? OK, so its not May, but it is always good to learn more about BPD, so today Stacy Pershall, a member of the Active Minds Speakers Bureau (who has a diagnosis of BPD), shares 5 things you should know about this often misunderstood disorder.


  1. The disorder got its name from psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg when Freudian therapists observed that people with BPD “came apart on the couch” and theorized that they were on the borderline between neurosis and psychosis. Now that we know more about psychology than we did in the 1960s (thank goodness), therapists have suggested renaming BPD as something more accurate and with less stigma attached. Suggested names include “Emotion Dysregulation Disorder” and “Complex PTSD”, as people with the disorder have often experienced early trauma.
  2.  People with BPD are not intentionally manipulative, even when they do things like threaten suicide if you leave. They might know that such behaviour is perceived as manipulative, but that doesn’t help a person with untreated BPD control the impulse to avoid abandonment in the moment. What you perceive as manipulation comes from fear, with anger as a secondary emotion.
  3. BPD is often misdiagnosed as bipolar disorder due to the intense mood swings present in both. Bipolar disorder is more common, affecting 2.6% of the diagnosed U.S. population, while BPD affects 1.6%. However, due to frequent misdiagnoses, these numbers may be misleading. Accurate diagnosis depends on recognizing a trend of situation-dependent mood swings (often in response to relationship issues) vs. those not precipitated by circumstance.
  4. There’s concrete brain science validating the existence and refining our understanding of BPD. Evidence points to malfunctions in the limbic system, which controls emotional intensity, and the subgenual anterior cingulate, which controls emotion regulation. Learning skills to improve the latter helps moderate the former.
  5. You can recover because there’s effective treatment now. The gold standard is DBT dialectical behaviour therapy, created by Marsha Linehan, but there’s also mentalization-based therapy, schema therapy and transference-focused psychotherapy.

A brief rundown of the differences: DBT focuses on mindfulness and has been described as “Thich Nhat Hanh meets tough love”. Mentalization-based therapy focuses on helping people with BPD recognize boundaries between their emotions and the emotions of others.

Transference-focused psychotherapy uses the relationship between client and clinician to create a safe environment for boundary testing. Schema therapy draws from all three to help clients identify and change the erroneous thoughts that lead to extreme behaviours. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with BPD and cannot yet access treatment, you should know about sites like this as they are a great online resource and very welcomed.

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