
While we do try on this site to make it the perfect resource for all things BPD there are times when the information provided here is not enough or things are getting so bad you need more help than this site can offer. Listed below are trusted resources that I have personally checked myself to make sure they are only there to help us and nothing more. Some are official government sites, others are private sources and some are little more than charities trying to help in any way they can, I have labelled all the links and telephone numbers below so you know which is which as well a small snippet of the type of help or advice you can expect to receive from that said resource.

Official Government Site:
Contact Information: None Available

What you can expect: While you can consider this page to be a good official resource of BPD information there is no help on offer here other than a list of other resources for you to consider. While this page is the first thing that pops up on Google when you ask for BPD help it really should be the last.

Charity Site:
Contact Information: Telephone Number: 0300 123 3393 – Email Address:

What you can expect: Sadly far too many doctors and CAMHS people will send you to this charity for help and advice when there is very little of it on offer. This is little more than a charity with minimal resources to offer, so you will often find yourself quoting this idiom “banging your head against a brick wall”.

Charity Site:
Contact Information: Telephone Number: 116 123 – Email Address:

What you can expect: As with the Mind Charity above you can’t expect this charity to help much as it has a VERY limited amount of resources to offer, but this site is always there for when you are really down and just need someone to talk to. Please do be aware that this site has to report most instances of self-harm, harming others or potential crime/committed crime to the police as any site should do.