You have probably come across more than a few sites and help books mention something called the DSM–III. This…”guide” is what psychologists and therapist will refer to when diagnosing BPD and all of its main symptoms. This publication by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) was first published in 1952 and there have been a total of 5 editions so far. So…now you are probably wondering why people don’t refer to the newer DSM-V? Well…that is a little more complicated. Let’s get into what this guide really is…
In short, it is the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” otherwise known as the DSM version 3 (in this case anyway). It is the core basis that almost all other therapists and psychologist will base their diagnosis of BDP as well as many other mental health disorders. So…why do people often refer to the DSM-III and not the DSM-V? Because the older book DSM-III was the first to not personality disorders. In short, it is the basis of any BPD diagnosis and while there are higher editions of the book they are not relevant when it comes to BPD. However, theories and opinions often change in the psychology world and that could change, but for now, when it comes to BPD the main book to refer to is the DSM-III
The put this book in as simple terms as possible so we can all understand it, the book is made up of the best minds in the fields of Psychology, then that said book is peer-reviewed by many other big names in the world of Psychology. ONLY when the peer-reviewers accept what is written inside this book can it then be considered worthy to be used. When it comes to BPD the only book worth referring to is the DSM-III
Having tried to read one of these mooks myself (the DSM–III of course) I can tell you they are in terminology only trained psychologists and therapists would understand. Trying to read one like a book is almost impossible and it really should only be used as a reference, a starting point for a diagnosis by someone who understands what they are reading. While this might not be the most interesting of questions I do hope it has answered it for you.
If you have a question about BPD or you would like to know anything about this mental health disorder do let us know by getting in touch with us via the contact page. We can’t always answer every single question, but we do our best.